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Thursday, January 31, 2008


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I was asked to create a visual illustration of a lovers keepsake. The illustration was to imply a long romantic history of the couple while demonstrating a musical overtone. The book was almost double in hight and had to be chopped down. The photo was a full color photo that I inserted into a polaroid frame and then edited into the leather straps that were a part of the original book. The sheet music was added with a grunge layer and added layer effects. To get the feel of a hand written title on the photo I used a hand written font and then a layer effect to give the illusion of a water based marker. A shadow layer was added to give the final illusion that the photo was actually sitting behind the leather straps. To view more from this project please go to:

Oh yes, and the final art was inserted into a script in photo shop that created the CD Jewel case from scratch and inserted the art directly into the case.

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